Charles Matthews - piano

April 15, 2016

Rarely has there been such a buzz following a recital as there was on Friday 15th April!  Charles is a regular performer for the Society and is very popular with members and visitors.  Each time he appears, the audience know they are in for a great evening - and this was absolutely no exception.

At a previous performance, Charles had asked members to let him know what favourite pieces of piano music they would like him to play.  Little did we know when we made our requests, what a joyous evening he would give us.  

The programme of music laid before us included some real gems.   Charles opened with a splendid performance of  Chopin’s Ballade no 1 in G minor, which was followed by a short Scarlatti Sonata in E major, Nielsen’s Five Piano Pieces op 3, Poulenc’s Mouvements perpetuels, Beethoven’s Fur Elise and Mozart’s Sonata in C major.   The second half comprised Schumann’s delightful Carnaval, Satie’s Gnossienne no 1 and ended with Liszt’s magnificent Hungarian Rhapsody.

The demands and standards required by a pianist for some of this music is enormous, and Charles gave us a virtuoso performance.   The reaction of the audience reflected both his abilities and the thrilling evening those of us sitting in the audience had experienced.   We can’t wait for him to return!

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